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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'Eleanor's Secret' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
  • Eleanor's Secret (0)
    Original Title: Kerity, La Maison Des Contes
    Christophe Héral

4165 matches in tracks
  1. Eleanor Rigby / Eleanor's Dream (09:12)
    from Give My Regards To Broad Street
  2. Eleanor Rigby / Eleanor's Dream (09:11)
    from Give My Regards To Broad Street
  3. Eleanor Rigby / Eleanor's Dream (03:08)
    from Give My Regards To Broad Street
  4. Secret City/The Secret Weapon/Walking Through Walls (03:55)
    from Land Of The Giants
  5. Eleanor (00:49)
    from Road To Wellville, The
  6. Eleanor (00:49)
    from Road To Wellville, The
    from Out Of Africa - The Classic John Barry
  8. Keys to Eleanor (01:22)
    from Gone In Sixty Seconds
  9. Eleanor's Lament (03:33)
    from Mirrors 2
  10. Eleanor's Dream (01:43)
    from Byzantium
  11. Eleanor's Dream (01:43)
    from Byzantium
  12. Eleanor's Piano (01:09)
    from Kerity, La Maison Des Contes
  13. Eleanor Rigby (00:00)
    from Yellow Submarine
  14. Sonata For Eleanor (02:02)
    from Grasshopper, The
  15. Packing Up Eleanor (05:05)
    from Great Smokey Roadblock, The
  16. Packing Up Eleanor (05:05)
    from Great Texas Dynamite Chase, The
  17. I’m Eleanor Reed (02:40)
    from Freaks
  18. Eleanor and Franklin (01:26)
    from Classic John Barry, The
  19. Eleanor and Franklin (01:26)
    from Zulu
  20. Eleanor and Franklin (01:26)
    from Out Of Africa
Show all 4165 matching tracks